Submit update from MasterOfAll's blog

It’s been a while since I communicated on the status of Submit, so I wanted to take some time to explain what’s happening.

Submit is still very much in development, and it is still the intention that Owned will retire and everything will move over to the new site.

Submit is being built on completely new technology to Owned and as such it took a bit to plan and get started, but that is out of the way and actual development has been in full swing for a while now.

It’s become evident in the development though that getting Submit ready within 6 months is simply unachievable. I was a bit naive to think that I could rebuild something completely in that time when it took 10 years of active development to get where it is now.

Since starting the building of Submit there have also been other things pop up that have halted development, the main one being having to find a new card processor. That took up a lot of my time, and if im honest put my head in a bad place and I just couldn’t face working on the site.

I have also had personal issues going on taking up my time, as well as social commitments.


Going back to the card processor issue, if it taught me anything it’s not to have all my eggs in one basket, so I have also been splitting my time more onto other projects and diversifying my work.

As I said, Submit is still being developed, it’s just not being worked on full time like it was before.

So, what does this mean?

Well, I’ve now taken the view that Submit will be “ready when it’s ready”.

I will continue to work on it, and it will be launched, I just won’t be putting a date on when; it should still be sometime this year though. I’m not going to be putting myself under any pressure or imposing self-inflicted time limits. Owned is still operational and works fine, so there is no rush to get Submit finished.

In the coming months I will start to provide limited access to a few users so that I can gather feedback and help with bug testing.

Thank you,


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