The Art of Sub Cuisine from Alex's blog

Subs may perhaps be considered as lobsters or as frogs.

To cook a lobster, one plunges it into boiling water. And there are some subs who respond to that approach with a Master who thrusts the sub into the highest of expectations right from the beginning. 

But they’re almost certainly the minority. 

Most subs are frogs. And everyone knows the better way to prepare a frog: put it in a pot of comfortable water and raise the temperature slowly but inexorably. Indeed, there are few things more satisfying to a Master than witnessing the moment when a sub suddenly understands that the water in the pot has become so hot that it is no longer possible to escape. The creature has become beautifully enslaved, ruled by a sense of need and devotion that has been carefully cultivated by a Master Chef. 

They say that lobster is a delicacy. But there is little doubt in my mind that frogs provide the far more satisfying meal.

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