Yellow Dye from Alex's blog

Almost thirty years ago, SlaveMaster published an article about the process of realizing one’s slavery in the now long-defunct Metropolitan Slave. And with that, he also devised what I think is a brilliant analogy of that process. 

Summarizing many of these ideas in an essay called “Dipped in Yellow Dye,” he emphasizes the repetitive nature by which colorfast yellow cloth is produced. The cloth is dipped into yellow dye, and then held in the sun to bleach the dye away. One iteration provides only the faintest yellow color, so the process is repeated, and repeated, and repeated, with each iteration strengthening the color. 

He makes many points in the essay, but the most important is perhaps that “[t]here are no short cuts, it all works as it must to produce the final result.” He emphasizes that “[i]t serves no purpose to hold the cloth in the dye for extra time” and that “[t]here is no advantage to bleaching the cloth until the sun begins to rot its fiber.” “Into the dye,” he says, “then into the sun, then into the dye, again, and back into the light of day.” 

The analogy is powerful because it aligns so closely with one process of enslavement. The potential slave is used hard enough to experience the reality of slavery, and then given his time in the sun, to reflect and understand the small transformation that has taken place. And then again. And again. Until the dye of his slavery begins truly to yellow the fabric of his being. 

These lessons are well conceived. Along this path, there is indeed “no purpose” in imposing the continuous reality of slavery before undergoing the previous bleachings. And there is indeed “no advantage” in allowing the slave to bask in the sun’s freedom so long that the process breaks down. The process requires attention and diligence, brooking “no short cuts,” to realize one’s destiny as a slave radiating with the brightest yellow color. 

The essay is easily found on SlaveMaster’s web site through a simple online search, and provides many more details of his thinking. It is a worthwhile read, particularly for those who see slavery as a spiritual path.

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