My Findom Fantasy from Alex's blog

A slave on this site asked me what seems like a straightforward question for someone who is here: “Sir, what is your findom fantasy?” I wanted to give a more thoughtful answer than simply to say, “For you to send me all your money and give me control over all your future earnings.” So I have been thinking about it, and realize that, although that would be nice for obvious reasons, even such a level of financial control would not alone be terribly fulfilling to my needs as a Master. 

My actual findom fantasy is inextricably linked with those needs, to be obeyed, to be served, to be worshiped—and with the process by which someone is transformed in a very personal way to satisfy those needs. The needs of an artist are not satisfied by walking through a museum filled with masterpieces. The needs of a sculptor are not satisfied by gazing upon completed statues. Their needs are fulfilled only through the intimate act of creating something unique and personal. 

In my findom fantasy, I want to be Michelangelo, confronted with an unassuming block of marble. I want to chip away every piece of stone that doesn’t belong, revealing a creation of my own design. Each tribute, each gift, each act of financial surrender should be part of the process of instilling an ever-increasing devotion that compels the slave to obey my financial commands—to obey all my commands. I want the slave to yearn for my chisel, to become a participant in making himself helpless in his obedience, to render him unable to deny that his finances are meaningless in his own hands and only purposeful when given unto mine. 

Is this a fantasy? Of course, and on multiple levels. But it is, for me, a more complete and truthful answer than the facile one that first sprang to mind.

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