Slave's blog


It was inevitable.

Finding a Dom is hard enough. You must bravely fight through the barbed wire of greed, then avoid the simplistic middle finger poking you in the eye, and don’t forget the yawningly boring and deeply depressing: “Hey fag serve me”. Of course, you must double check verification, analyse images which have been digitally enhanced beyond belief, but that’s just the start of the climb up the mountain of service. You struggle forwards, wondering what the Dom’s motives might be, and you analyse their words, check the details on their profile and then, to your horror you discover that you aren’t reading the words of a Dom but the words of HAL9000’s cheeky second cousin, ChatGPT!

Dear friends, dear SUBS, spend time before spending tips, and if HE sounds too good to be true, step away and start again.

This BLOG was created by ChatGPT…

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