• subcorey
    Slave of the Day, how truly humbling. There are so many to thank really. MoA for bringing us all together of course. SoS, my longest known fag friend for being the constant thorn in my side. My dear friend finger for always being there for me. Slutty for always keeping me thirsty. Pup for being my enabler. FagMEAT for making me laugh. Master of course for being my constant guide and the most important thing in my life. Most of all though, I'd like to thank the random number generator for assigning me this incredible honour. All hail the random number generator! 🙇🏽‍♂️
    Mar 5 '21
    SkinBossDan likes this
    Mar 5 '21
    Thank you, thank you all. Instead of grats please direct all worship to the random number generator where it truly belongs. All obeisance to the PRNG!
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