• masterzal
    masterzal started a new poll
    As a sub: do you care, mind, or even wonder what your Dom does with your tributes?
    I don’t know and I don’t care; I simply send 💸
    (14 votes 54%)
    I send gifts and cover reimbursements only to feel like an integral part of His life 🎁
    (9 votes 35%)
    I check if they cover basic expenses, or contribute towards improving His lifestyle instead 🤔
    (3 votes 12%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 26
    Jul 28 '23
    Not quite any of the above. I care, but like to see the tributes being spent of extravagances or luxuries.
    Jul 28 '23
    Intriguing poll, with provocative and complicated answers. I shall be thinking about this a great deal before I vote...
    Jul 28 '23
    not sure I understood the choices well so; I tribute to please, to show my admiration, my care for him & his wellness. . I don't think my small tributes make gis lifestyle better but making him smile or just be a bit happier at that moment would already be great.not sure I understood the choices well so; I tribute to please, to show my admiration, my care for him & his wellness. . I don't think my small tributes make gis lifestyle better but making him smile ...See more
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