• enslaved
    enslaved started a new target
    Target completed

    🎈 Thrills and Sticky Spills! 🐳

    🎯 You said that you 'enjoyed' the last target I set you. So, do your best to enjoy this too, handsome. You've got a bit of time...🍷
    Set by
    Set for

    126 Tips (£12.60) of 100 Tips (£10.00) / 126%

    Jan 12
    16 members like this
    Jan 27
    @Nike: I will (again) give him 100 tips wich could very possibly end in your account if he gets horny (he does at times) especially after 107 bottles of wine🥳️😍
    Jan 27
    Nice to you begin this one.
    Jul 14
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