• enslaved
    enslaved started a new poll
    As a dominant; what's your favourite way for a sub to Submit & tribute you
    you decide what must be done what must be given, when it must be given, how & where.
    (5 votes 10%)
    you like the sub to surprise & please you when he feels like it. you don't need to order; he knowss
    (4 votes 8%)
    a mix of both; you like to decide & order but geting spontanous unexpected tributes are great
    (40 votes 82%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 49
    Feb 18
    Feb 19
    Eblus love that answer it is one of my favorite ways to explore and find ways we both are getting what we want
    Feb 21
    I always feel mixed is better, after establishing a dynamic based on trust, consent and safety. 🙌
    Feb 21
    I had to vote Enslaved! As I'm definitely feeling a bit Switchy these days...
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