• MasterR
    MasterR uploaded 1 new photo to Uploads album
    Just because you are long distance don’t mean I can’t lock you in Chasity and control when it opens and closes. Send a tip if this turns you on.
    May 19
    12 members like this
    May 19
    *un-UNlockable I mean
    May 19
    I heard it’s been hacked too. This one is good it has all the features and the lock itself is in a visible area that you can cut it off if anything would to go bad where you can’t unlock it. So that’s good. And they have a regular with two rings and a large for a girthier guy. Although this has a lot of space it’s not an advance “let’s shrink it” type of lockI heard it’s been hacked too. This one is good it has all the features and the lock itself is in a visible area that you can cut it off if anything would to go bad where you can’t unlock it. So that’s...See more
    May 19
    MasterC, I tired getting the electrical one I thought I did but I guess not but I was able to get this for $50 a good deal if I say so myself a regular Chasity is at $30
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