• FinDomJon
    It’s been a year today since I joined this site. During that time I’ve had a lot of horny fun, met some great people and formed some proper decent bonds that I truly appreciate. As we all know findom can be a little tricky, which is one of the reasons the site is so great. It’s a space where we can engage in kink that’s horny af but is also safe, in a community that looks out for each other. I’m glad to be a part of it. Big cheers to MOA for creating such a 🔥 site that we all love and enjoy. I’ve had a lot of fun this past year, and I might just stick around with you cunts for a few more.
    May 28
    26 members like this
    Jun 4
    Just over a whole year Sir,? How time flies. Like me, despite the rigours, the slings and arrows of findomary, you haven't aged at all. We're like fine wine or a good cheese Sir! 🍷🧀🍾🥂
    Jun 4
    @Slave 😂 💯
    Jun 4
    Couldn't agree more, slave. He just gets better and better lookin ;)
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