• Slave
    Slave started a new target
    Target completed

    First obedience

    This is the first test of slaves obedience to his new king 🤴🏾 Let’s see how submissive my slave is
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    250 Tips (£25.00) of 250 Tips (£25.00) / 100%

    Jun 2
    14 members like this
    Jun 19
    Jun 19
    I should think that would cover at least 2 bottles of wine for a slave. 25 pounds for one bottle = excessive luxury reserved for alphas. I never buy anything over $11.99, personally ;).
    Jun 19
    I'm with you Denied. There are some great wines available for about £8.00, about $10.50. In continental Europe the price is even better, about $6 for a brilliant red or white. Brexit fucked me over!
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