• Slave
    Slave started a new poll
    🐮 Stables! 🐴 What feels more appropriate to YOU? A Dom telling a sub to enter their Stable or a sub waiting and choosing to enter a Dom's Stable?
    🤔 If a Dom generously offers the chance of Stable life the sub should accept it gratefully.
    (28 votes 47%)
    🤔 A sub should ignore offers from a Dom and only enter a stable if and when they wish to.
    (24 votes 41%)
    🤔 Stables are meaningless.
    (6 votes 10%)
    🤔 I'll get back to you on this one Slave - frenchbottomslut's option ONLY.
    (1 votes 2%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 59
    Jul 22
    Jul 24
    a dom asking a sub to join his stable could be a dream coming true for the sub at least when it's a real dom the sub likes. Otherwhise please remind me; what is a stable for except from having the "right" to pay more?
    Jul 24
    Enslaved, I like the way you think!
    Jul 24
    All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ought to know what to do in that instance, and some prostration is assuredly involved). And certainly, some stables do seem completely meaningless.All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ...See more
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