• enslaved
    enslaved started a new poll
    as a sub you love that role because
    you have so much money it's a distraction for you to give money away to strangers?
    (1 votes 4%)
    greedy men who will exploit you just to take your money & no other reason makes you horny?
    (7 votes 28%)
    you are really submissive & would like to meet a honest dominant man to take care of.
    (14 votes 56%)
    handsome, muscular greedy you insulting men you are the best
    (3 votes 12%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 25
    Aug 5
    Aug 9
    Sometimes I can see the results withough voting yeah
    Aug 9
    Option 3. Only it’s not that “I would like” but that “I HAVE MET” this honest dominant Man that I am so proud to serve , worship and take care of!
    Aug 12
    This was a particularly interesting poll, and I've been waiting to see the result. Thanks very much for asking the question, enslaved.
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