• ChavvyMaster
    ChavvyMaster started a new poll
    Are most Dom's top when it comes to sex or are there some Dom guys that like to bottom sometimes / give oral as well?
    Completely top
    (19 votes 59%)
    (13 votes 41%)
    Wholly bottom
    (0 votes 0%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 32
    Aug 16
    Aug 16
    Well said, Sir Eblus.
    Aug 16
    Well considering you didn’t have the oral part I had to mark top. However I def don’t mind sucking a dick and I can assure my boys get their asses ate all the time.
    Aug 16
    I agree with Eblus, I can bottom but it has to feel right for me, if it doesn't feel right then I am 100% pure Dom/top, and can be a ferocious bastard when amma Dom/top, even although I may not show it
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