• YoungDom11
    Some of these subs need serious discipline but they don't even realize it. Y'all wanna have a dom or wanna get owned but still want to have control of lot of things.

    I'm a type of dom who likes to take most decisions with his sub, but even I get tired of this type of behaviour. Don't act like you want to be dominated when all you actually want is spending like 10-15 minutes and throw some money over any 'lucky' doms you can find.

    As we always say but most of us don't care to do, this 💩 should be more than just the money to make it consistent and more meaningful. It's about your efforts and intentions too. At the end, we all stay around the scene to feed our desires. sometimes it can be money, sometimes loyalty, sometimes having a person you feel attracted or share lot of feelings or thoughts together.

    Not gonna lie though, the vast majority of doms are responsible for subs behaving this way. This is what happens when all you do is consistently asking for money without adding some quality to your subs or that relationship.

    I had some posts like this in the past because I like passionate people around me. People who brings sustainable quality on whatever they do. Maybe it's just my personal problem about this scene but wish some things were different.

    And of course, this is not something that targets everyone or includes blanket criticism. Everybody has their own likes or their own way to do things. But as someone who had great material and nonmaterial times in findom, I think it makes sense to say some things out loud. Especially inexperienced people in the scene should think about it and decide who they want to be or what exactly their needs are.

    Hope everyone have a great day!
    Aug 21
    12 members like this
    Aug 21
    This. I’m also one who cares about the play and dedication as much if not more than the $
    Aug 21
    Everyone has different needs, demands, limits and abilities, but I think there’s a match here for everyone.
    Aug 21
    Although I don't much disagree, this behavior on both sides is prevalent enough in most online D/s (and much RL D/S), and a consequence of very real struggles people have with their often misunderstood feelings. It does not really seem all that shocking to me that it is worse with findom, given the nature of the interaction. A lot of this just comes with the territory we are exploring.Although I don't much disagree, this behavior on both sides is prevalent enough in most online D/s (and much RL D/S), and a consequence of very real struggles people have with their often misunderstoo...See more
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