• Monstercawk
    I wish I could record my experiences as I go to bathhouses. The men who follow me around and stare at my cock, wondering if they can convince me to put it in them. Them lining up next to someone I fuck In the hopes that they can somehow be involved. The staring into my room thru the window as I completely dominate and gape a man till he is howling with pleasure. All the while hoping, wishing and praying that it could be them under the 6'4 guy with the biggest cock they have seen. It's interesting having a entire building of people willing to do any depraved thing thing you want them too all so the can just get a CHANCE at the massive cock.

    For guys who think size does not matter, you are too small. You won't ever know the feeling of power I have.
    Sep 6
    Slave2023 and HTX_Sir like this
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