• MasterOfAll
    FYI, I do not entertain drama, if you try to bait me into arguing with you it won't work.

    Life is too short to argue with people that have already made up their minds 🙃

    I'm not a nasty guy, I don't do things out of malice, but I am human and not perfect.

    I will mess up occasionally, but like you all I'm just trying to get through life as drama free as possible while having as much fun as I can.
    Sep 23
    25 members like this
    Sep 23
    Sep 23
    Exactly as it should be. I do love drama but some of it is so unnecessary and a bit pick-me
    Sep 24
    Each of us is "not perfect" ... yes shock horror, even those who claim to be 'gods'. Don't judge a man for having made a mistake but, rather, judge him on how he behaves once he is aware of his mistake
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