🕑 Last online: Yesterday, 22:36


🕝 Last online Yesterday, 22:36

43 years old, sub, Gay
United Kingdom United Kingdom, south east
Joined Jul 14

🏷 No profile tags

Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Physical Use, Humiliation, Teamviewer, Chat, Friendship
Humiliation, Piss, Leather, Bondage, CBT, Dungeon Play, Edging
About Me
Safe sane, happy with life and looking to fulfil that sub fetish need. Love feeling physically restrained in someway and feeling naked and vulnerable for Sir. Not into Findom aspect but hope that dosen't put you off Sirs.

Prefer Lad, Boy or Pup if you want my attention Sirs. Faggots will get you ignored.
What I want
Looking for friends, Chat - discuss scenarios build trust and perhaps meet. Would loved to be used (perhaps stay over for a weekend) be at the control of the Dom and do as he wants for that time (within limits discussed before we meet).

Just getting into pup play and looking to explore this more.
Also new to spanking so looking to experience this some more
What experience do you have?
Hoods and collars
Piss play (I don't drink but would allow it to over flow out my mouth)
Pup Play
Butt Plugs
Vibrating wands
Nipple play

5' 11.6" / 182cm
165lb / 75kg
Foot size
 10.5 UK / 45 EU /  11.5 US
Eye colour
Sub market points

CSLad has no Sub market points


CSLad has no feedback

  • CSLad
    CSLad added towards ZekerW's Pillory tax total

    It's Friday and it seems all of our hormones are going crazy. Let's not fight it, let's embrace it!

    Tax paid to: SoldierTyler
    Tax per like: 10 Tips (£1.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 13 Tips (£1.30) 💸
    Tax limit: 2220 Tips (£222.00) 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1427 Tips (£142.70)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 16
    30 members like this
    Aug 16
    Pay !
    Aug 22
    Missed that 😥
    Aug 22
    So do it ...😂
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  • CSLad
    CSLad added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

    Today’s sub of the day, my faggot mutt, needs a little recognition for his achievement. Let’s see if we can keep him at number 1 two days in a row 😈

    Tax paid to: Late_start2022
    Tax per like: 40 Tips (£4.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 40 Tips (£4.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 3360 Tips (£336.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 14
    25 members like this
    Aug 14
    Hello hru today
    Aug 14
    Damn missed it
    Aug 15
    Shame I missed it faggot. Yanno I would have added. 😈
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  • CSLad
    CSLad added towards totalfag's Pillory tax total

    Today is a really big day for me it marks 5 years of me being sober. My boy has stepped up and wants to do a two hour pillory. Let’s make sure we open him up good. I am so proud of my boy for being as excited as he is for this day. So guys let’s give him a good drain.

    Tax paid to: Kingsteve
    Tax per like: 12 Tips (£1.20) 💸
    Tax per comment: 15 Tips (£1.50) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 1233 Tips (£123.30)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 14
    23 members like this
    Aug 14
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 14
    Thanks again everyone today is a really big deal to me. Work went crazy right at the end and I missed it. Oh well I appreciate the congratulations
    Aug 14
    Thanks everyone. Appreciate your participation greatly.
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on DomDaddyT's photo
    Aug 5
    slaveofMasterSir and pricetag_ like this
    Aug 5
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on DomDaddyT's photo
    Aug 5
    pricetag_ likes this
    Aug 5
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on DomDaddyT's photo
    Come climb in, help take this robe off😏
    Aug 5
    pricetag_ likes this
    Aug 5
    Gladly Sir
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on DomDaddyT's photo
    Aug 5
    Aug 5
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on ConvelUK's photo
    Aug 5
    6 members like this
    Oct 8 '23
    Great pecs
    Aug 5
    Nice look Sir
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on SkinnySadBoy's photo
    Subs guess how big my dick is. Closest gets my Snapchat
    Aug 3
    4 members like this
    Mar 26
    The sky is the limit... Or the arm ;)
    Aug 3
    8.5 inches Sir
    Aug 3
    Slave haha! You crack me up
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  • CSLad
    CSLad voted on SkinnySadBoy's poll
    To slaves, to what extent is your wish to be dominated influenced by sex
    (12 votes 27%)
    High influence
    (18 votes 41%)
    Slight influence
    (6 votes 14%)
    (8 votes 18%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 44
    Aug 2
    Aug 6
    Misclicked and it doesnt allow me to take back my vote haha
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  • CSLad
    CSLad commented on their Tip tribute

    8 Tips (£0.80)

    Sent to DomDaddyT
    I just wanted to show my appreciation of our chats Sir. Sorry its not more but as ive said before im not in it for the findom aspect
    Jul 30
    DomDaddyT likes this
    Jul 30
    It’s not about the dollar amount, it’s the quality of conversation that counts faggot 😏
    Jul 30
    Glad you have enjoyed my thoughts Sir
    Jul 30
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  • CSLad
    CSLad voted on Slave's poll
    A simple question and the answer is, or course, far more nuanced, but fuck it, what the hell. What kind of Dom is sexier? A straight Dom or a 'not' straight Dom?
    😐 Straight DOMS are the best!
    (16 votes 30%)
    🥰 NOT straight DOMS are the best!
    (38 votes 70%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jul 30
    Jul 31
    Fetishizing "straight" guys is cool, we all have our fetishes. But as a bi guy myself, I find the protestations of some "straight" doms to be not credible, or, if credible, exploitative.
    Aug 1
    It’s the Dom, not the orientation.
    Aug 1
    the answer is actually quiet easy: Slave is the best😇😍💋
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  • CSLad
    CSLad sent some Tips

    1 Tips (£0.10)

    Sent to CM5453
    maybe more in future Sir as only just joined
    Jul 14
    Phranklin likes this
  • CSLad
    CSLad liked Slave's status
    Please, please, please can Doms AND subs write a little something on their profiles. Just a few words of your own, I beg you. Maybe it's me and maybe I've grown too old for a 3 second attention spanned world, but I'm not sending a cent to a Dom who can't be arsed to write a word about themselves, who can't be fucked to let me know what they are looking for. Subs AND Doms why bother to be here if you have nothing to say. Go away. Disappear to some tedious, over-populated social media platform and don't waste my time because to choose not to say something about yourself is ridiculous, it's lazy, it's boring and disrespectful. 'Here endeth the lesson.' 😇
    Jul 14
    11 members like this
    Jul 14
    Slave. I started to read your post and got distracted. Can you say it again please? 😂
    Jul 14
    Jul 14
    damn, it keeps on surprising me how can someone be so right, say both clever things while being so humourous. Let me think of something nice to do for you but be aware I may not be my usual self (I broke a nail & have those sweet wrinkles around my eyes wich would like to cover my eye & fronthead area😜 not to mention Ilost my brand new lipglossdamn, it keeps on surprising me how can someone be so right, say both clever things while being so humourous. Let me think of something nice to do for you but be aware I may not be my usual self (I br...See more
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  • CSLad
    CSLad sent some Tips

    5 Tips (£0.50)

    Sent to Droneup
    Hi Sir, finally got time to set up my profile on here
  • CSLad
    CSLad is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 14
    Fin_Bear_dom likes this
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