

πŸ•‘ Last online: Sep 1


πŸ• Last online Sep 1

24 years old, sub, Gay
United States United States, Northeast, New jersey
Joined Jul 6

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  • Fagfemboy
    Fagfemboy voted on Slave's poll
    A simple question and the answer is, or course, far more nuanced, but fuck it, what the hell. What kind of Dom is sexier? A straight Dom or a 'not' straight Dom?
    😐 Straight DOMS are the best!
    (16 votes 30%)
    πŸ₯° NOT straight DOMS are the best!
    (38 votes 70%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jul 30
    Jul 31
    Fetishizing "straight" guys is cool, we all have our fetishes. But as a bi guy myself, I find the protestations of some "straight" doms to be not credible, or, if credible, exploitative.
    Aug 1
    It’s the Dom, not the orientation.
    Aug 1
    the answer is actually quiet easy: Slave is the bestπŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ’‹
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  • Fagfemboy
    Fagfemboy sent some Tips

    50 Tips (Β£5.00)

    Sent to ArabDominator
    Jul 27
    5 members like this
  • Fagfemboy
    Fagfemboy is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 6
    4 members like this
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