

🕑 Last online: Sep 4


🕝 Last online Sep 4

43 years old, Dom, Straight
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Joined Mar 20 '23

🏷 master police dom daddy boss cop officer

MasterFiveZero has uploaded their identification documents which have been verified by an Admin but they have chosen not to make their photo public
Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
Here for
Findom, Cam Use, Physical Use, Humiliation, Ownership, Teamviewer, Chat
Findom, Humiliation, Feet, Piss, Muscles, Uniforms, Bikers
About Me
I am straight and married alpha male.

I am dominant....but I am also understanding. I like fucking with slaves, I don't care if you are comfortable, but I need to know that you like your Master. If you do not enjoy me then you will not serve me well. Speak to me (with respect) and we will tailor your needs.
What I want
I want your money! I want to know that you can serve me well and for that I will make you a comfortable slave. You will be rewarded.......but you will have to work for it!

If there is anything that you want, just say, but ask nicely
What experience do you have?
40 years old and I've seen and done many things. I work hard, I play hard and I train hard.

5' 10.8" / 180cm
195lb / 88.6kg
Foot size
9 UK / 44 EU / 10  US
Eye colour

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The Dirty Cell

MasterFiveZero has no subs in his stable

Pantheon Points

MasterFiveZero has no Pantheon points


MasterFiveZero has no feedback

3 albums total View all
  • MasterFiveZero
    I need some subs to play with... Dm if you like any of the following -
    Building a connection
    Straight alpha
    Irish men
    Wide cock
    Shorts and gym workouts
    Worn Items

    You can even ask to serve me and my wife

    Be respectful in your approach. Good boys
    Aug 25
    YellowBandit and NikeSwitch like this
    Aug 25
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on Slave's target
    Target completed

    Master 5 0 Challenge

    MasterFiveZero likes the number 50. Do you have what it takes 😈
    Set for

    500 Tips (£50.00) of 500 Tips (£50.00) / 100%

    Aug 17
    29 members like this
    Aug 17
    Yes, it was horrible. Sold the dog and haven't eaten for a week...
    Aug 17
    So ... where is the horrible part, slave?
    Aug 22
    Hahaha! Slave
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on Slave's gift to MasterFiveZero
    👑 I love that you're keeping your eye on me Sir! 👑
    Aug 15
    5 members like this
    Aug 10
    The right thing to do! 👍👍
    Aug 15
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on enslaved's poll
    as a sub you love that role because
    you have so much money it's a distraction for you to give money away to strangers?
    (1 votes 4%)
    greedy men who will exploit you just to take your money & no other reason makes you horny?
    (7 votes 28%)
    you are really submissive & would like to meet a honest dominant man to take care of.
    (14 votes 56%)
    handsome, muscular greedy you insulting men you are the best
    (3 votes 12%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 25
    Aug 9
    Aug 9
    Sometimes I can see the results withough voting yeah
    Aug 9
    Option 3. Only it’s not that “I would like” but that “I HAVE MET” this honest dominant Man that I am so proud to serve , worship and take care of!
    Aug 12
    This was a particularly interesting poll, and I've been waiting to see the result. Thanks very much for asking the question, enslaved.
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked that Ethan joined Kingofslav's stable 'Kingofslav's stable'

    is now owned by

    When you join a stable you become owned by the Dom who runs it. Being in a stable means that the Dom can have a certain amount of control over your account. The Dom will be able to:

    ⛓ See how many Tips you have and view your Tips log
    ⛓ View your private messages
    ⛓ Control your block list so he can determine who can contact you and who can not
    ⛓ View what you have been saying in the chat room
    ⛓ Put you in the Dungeon

    Aug 9
    18 members like this
    Aug 9
    🔒, back where you belong my little faggot boy!
    Aug 11
    Congratulations to both of Y/you, Sir and brother.
    Aug 12
    Congratulations 🥳
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked InferiorMutt's Tip tribute

    4420 Tips (£442.00)

    Sent to Late_start2022
    Aug 5
    20 members like this
    Aug 4
    Lmao good boy
    Aug 4
    So happy to see you free
    Aug 4
    Thank you totalfag appreciate that.
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked FinDomJon's status
    Ironic the way Doms get sh!t on for only being interested in money. Yet the amount of faggots that only wanna know ya when they wanna get cashr@ped and then blank until they’re horny again. Not interested in actually being in a proper D/s dynamic. Just disrespectful brats that wanna use ya to fuck their wallet so they can wank. Fuck off, repeat. How bout…Fuck you. Don’t pay me.
    Aug 5
    19 members like this
    Aug 6
    @MR very true man, can be tricky. @Alex Good point, I don't deny tribute often tho like @Steve says, I have refused when not feeling it.
    Aug 7
    Sir, I agree that there are terrible Doms and terrible subs. Only the other day a sub called me a fake. No evidence, no understanding, doesn't know me at all, just expressing his narrow point of view. For many findom is a fantasy, a release, a gain, they're keyboard warriors, for others it's a lifestyle. Tricky trying to figure out who is who...Sir, I agree that there are terrible Doms and terrible subs. Only the other day a sub called me a fake. No evidence, no understanding, doesn't know me at all, just expressing his narrow point of view....See more
    Aug 7
    @Slave. very true. 👌
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked NikeSwitch's Tip tribute

    500 Tips (£50.00)

    Sent to InferiorMutt
    🚔🚨When you’ve been a naughty boy your whole life, you are always prepared for that ONE phone call that you are allowed to make ☎️. You chose wisely you naughty pup. Bail money granted to my ride or die 🐶🛣️
    Aug 4
    11 members like this
    Aug 4
    Haha. Love it 🐕🐕
    Aug 4
    Subs solidarity at its best! Love it. 👍👍
    Aug 4
    It is great isn’t it frenchie .. ❤️
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    Target completed

    A true test

    Lets what you are made of

    1000 Tips (£100.00) of 1000 Tips (£100.00) / 100%

  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked that cpa8205 is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Aug 4
    13 members like this
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero added towards InferiorMutt's Pillory tax total

    Who wants to have fun with my faggot, he’s needing a good drain right into my account 😈 Let’s open him up fellas 😏

    Tax paid to: Late_start2022
    Tax per like: 50 Tips (£5.00) 💸
    Tax per comment: 40 Tips (£4.00) 💸
    Tax limit: unlimited 💸

    Total tax to pay: 5170 Tips (£517.00)
    ⛔ This pillory has ended, further comments and likes will not affect the total ⛔
    Aug 2
    31 members like this
    Aug 4
    Ah damn, I missed it
    Aug 4
    Damn it, I missed this
    Aug 4
    Very hot one. Congrats
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on Slave's Tip tribute

    10 Tips (£1.00)

    Sent to MasterFiveZero
    ⭐ Hip Hip HURRAY! He's DOM of the Day ⭐
    Jul 31
    4 members like this
    Jul 31
    Good boy. Dom of the day didn't take long to come around again 🔥🔥
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero voted on Slave's poll
    A simple question and the answer is, or course, far more nuanced, but fuck it, what the hell. What kind of Dom is sexier? A straight Dom or a 'not' straight Dom?
    😐 Straight DOMS are the best!
    (16 votes 30%)
    🥰 NOT straight DOMS are the best!
    (38 votes 70%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 54
    Jul 30
    Jul 31
    Fetishizing "straight" guys is cool, we all have our fetishes. But as a bi guy myself, I find the protestations of some "straight" doms to be not credible, or, if credible, exploitative.
    Aug 1
    It’s the Dom, not the orientation.
    Aug 1
    the answer is actually quiet easy: Slave is the best😇😍💋
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on Slave's gift to MasterFiveZero
    🎈 Exciting times ahead Sir. Who knows what life has in store... 🎈
    Jul 28
    5 members like this
    Jul 28
    Lovely to see! 🧡🧡
    Jul 28
    Thank you Slave.
    You need to sign in to comment
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on their photo
    Jul 27
    6 members like this
    Jul 27
    Thank you
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero commented on Slave's Tip tribute

    50 Tips (£5.00)

    Sent to MasterFiveZero
    👑 He was brilliant before and he's BRILLIANT now! A name change doesn't diminish a wonderful MAN, it only makes him better! 👑
    Jul 25
    6 members like this
    Jul 25
    Even during his toughest week he still makes time to check in. Such a good boy
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked ObedientOne's new position on the Sub Market


    Moved up from position 217

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    Jul 25
    8 members like this
  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero liked cagedinwa's Tip tribute

    729 Tips (£72.90)

    Sent to ryan_davieshall
    Jul 23
    5 members like this
    Jul 23
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  • MasterFiveZero
    MasterFiveZero voted on Slave's poll
    🐮 Stables! 🐴 What feels more appropriate to YOU? A Dom telling a sub to enter their Stable or a sub waiting and choosing to enter a Dom's Stable?
    🤔 If a Dom generously offers the chance of Stable life the sub should accept it gratefully.
    (28 votes 47%)
    🤔 A sub should ignore offers from a Dom and only enter a stable if and when they wish to.
    (24 votes 41%)
    🤔 Stables are meaningless.
    (6 votes 10%)
    🤔 I'll get back to you on this one Slave - frenchbottomslut's option ONLY.
    (1 votes 2%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 59
    Jul 23
    Jul 24
    a dom asking a sub to join his stable could be a dream coming true for the sub at least when it's a real dom the sub likes. Otherwhise please remind me; what is a stable for except from having the "right" to pay more?
    Jul 24
    Enslaved, I like the way you think!
    Jul 24
    All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ought to know what to do in that instance, and some prostration is assuredly involved). And certainly, some stables do seem completely meaningless.All three options are true, really; of course, true ownership has to be mutually felt, but once that point has been reached, it does seem fitting for the Dom to offer (and as Master Jon says, the sub ...See more
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  • MasterFiveZero

    132 Tips (£13.20)

    Sent to leather_findom
    Jul 23
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