

🕑 Last online: Sep 3


🕝 Last online Sep 3

24 years old, sub, Bisexual
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Joined Jul 20

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  • TommySussy
    TommySussy voted on enslaved's poll
    Do you value honesty, integrity and truth in a dom or sub?
    I don't really care about who he is, what he thinks & how he is as long I can make money (give money
    (1 votes 2%)
    I care about his behavoor, wishes & feelings as truth is the main step to success
    (37 votes 88%)
    it's just about degrading people and tips, isn't it!? I don't care what he says like & feels
    (0 votes 0%)
    findom is about money, not about personnality. Dom orders, sub obey & nothing else matters
    (4 votes 10%)
    This poll has ended, total votes - 42
    Jul 20
    Jul 19
    Care is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to watch for the signs and make sure it hasn't went to far. A sub zeroed out his account for me one time and I ended up sending him most back. There's not many that wouldCare is important. Especially aftercare. A dom could get you into a dangerous place, financially but also mentally if you feel shame or regret from being caught in the moment. It's a Doms place to wat...See more
    Jul 19
    Very important no matter at what level or how unethical or sadistic one is. What that means is different per slave/ dom but important regardless
    Jul 20
    @SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept💋😍 @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added👍 as a sub it's great to see doms who know better than ; I want to make money as for what you feel; get lost sub. A dom doesn't need use tricks to prove he is a dom; it can be seen & feel. Being a dom doesn't neither mean to insult or ignore others. Beautifully said men. you surely deserve to be called Sir@SirTheDirtyDomCop= you really understood the concept💋😍 @SirAlex: your words also are very clever, very true & human. @SirMasterR: one more truth you added👍 as a sub it's great to see doms who know be...See more
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  • TommySussy
    TommySussy is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Jul 20
    4 members like this
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