

🕑 Last online: Sep 23


🕝 Last online Sep 23

34 years old, sub, Gay
United States United States, New York, Brooklyn
Joined Sep 3

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Type of meets
Real-Time, On-Line
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Humiliation, Ownership, Chat, Whatever
Sub market points
cuffie's position in the Sub Market is 58 with 300 points.
Calculated 22nd Oct 24, 15:01

cuffie has no feedback

  • cuffie
    cuffie moved up to a new position on the Sub Market


    Moved up from position 690

    Click here to find out how to increase your Sub Market position
    Sep 23
    Sexy_Superman and MasterR like this
  • cuffie
    cuffie just purchased a premium membership
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    Sep 23
  • cuffie
    cuffie is now verified
    Please say hello and give them a big welcome!
    Sep 12
    4 members like this
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